Monday, February 28, 2011

Is there a connection between hormones and spider veins?

Yes, another factor related to increased incidence of spider veins during pregnancy is the female sex hormone- estrogen. Estrogen is known to soften the vein wall and the valves which control blood flow. The stretching of the veins is believed to cause an increase in blood engorgement- which eventually leads to spider vein formation.

During the last trimester of pregnancy, the fetus may put pressure on the leg veins by compressing the lower pelvis. For this reason it is highly recommended that pregnant females lie down on their left side to prevent the fetus from lying on top of the leg veins. Multiple pregnancies are often associated with numerous spider veins which rarely resolve.

I noticed that during my pregnancy I developed spider veins. Is there a connection?

Spider veins are common during the latter stages of pregnancy. This is thought to be due to an increase in body weight and retention of fluids. The increased fluid retention leads to engorgement of veins and which causes pressure on the smaller branch veins. These small branch veins with thin walls become distended and frequently rupture.

During the last trimester of pregnancy, the fetus may put pressure on the leg veins by compressing the lower pelvis. For this reason it is highly recommended that pregnant females lie down on their left side to prevent the fetus from lying on top of the leg veins. Multiple pregnancies are often associated with numerous spider veins which rarely resolve.

My mother has spider veins. Does that mean I will develop them also?

There is a higher incidence of spider veins in siblings if any one of the parents or other siblings has spider veins. The pattern of inheritance is not exactly known or understood. Spider veins have not been associated with any known medical disorder. They are harmless but some women find them cosmetically unappealing.

I am only 33 and have many spider veins on my face. Is this related to aging?

Spider veins are rarely seen in children and teenagers. Most individuals develop spider veins after the 3rd decade of life. As people get older, the spider veins do increase. Elderly individuals have very friable skin and easily develop bruising and spider veins.

What exactly are spider veins?

Spider veins are small veins which are located just below the skin surface. They are called spider veins because on close observation they resemble a dark center with fine radiating lines in a circular fashion. Other names by which spider veins are often known as include “star” veins or telangiectasias. Spider veins are common and most individuals (especially females) have one or multiple spider veins somewhere on their body. Spider veins are generally more common on the legs, especially around the thigh and ankle area. Even though they occur in all ethnic populations, they are most obvious in fair skinned individuals. Because of their prominent bluish color, they are considered a cosmetic nuisance by most females.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Is Endovenous laser therapy for varicose veins treatment covered by insurance?

Despite what doctors’ claim, the majority of health plans do not cover this procedure. It is entirely cosmetic in nature. The rare patient who has documented symptoms may be offered coverage by the health plan. For those with no medical coverage, the average cost of EVLT ranges from $300-600 per leg.

IS Endovenous laser therapy used to treat spider veins?

No, spider veins are best treated with simple laser treatment or sclerotherapy